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Wealth and Astrology

2nd  house(Dhan bhava) is most important as the name itself denotes wealth, saving, bank balance.  5th  house(House of Deeds) shows in what way your skills are getting developed. It's also the house of speculative gains. The 6th  house is the place of critical analysis and problem-solving skills. Without this mankind would’ve been doomed forever. The 8th  house(House of Sudden events) is the place of gains through others. This type of gain can be insurance and inheritance. The 9th  house is Bhagya Bhava (house of luck). No matter how talented and confident you’re, if luck shows up at your doorstep you’re not gonna deny it. 10th  house is your career(House of Karma). You’re meant to use all your skills and luck in your career to get success and fame through the next house. Yes, the  11th  house brings all the gains and favorable events in your life. 11th lord placement and dignity show what you’ll gain and in what way you’ll gain througho...

Arudhapada and Upapada

              Arudhapada and Upa p ada Jaimini has mentioned with the Arudha Pada System in Vedic Astro world. Though Sage Parasara has originally seeded in B.P.H.S later on Maharshi Jaimini dig deep and located many pearls out of his wisdom and intuition leading to invent the system known as by the name of Jaimini astrology rather than Parasara. The Arudha Pada system is a based on degrees of Planets , has Karakas . While Vargas of signs, mathematical calculations are not considered. Only the natal chart is enough in Jaimini system . The predictions promised by Lagna Arudha, Bhava Arudha and Graha Arudha take place during the currency of periods of those planets in their Dasha Antar Dasha. Perception Do Matters !! Arudha Lagna is the reflection of the self (how others perceive it) same goes with other bhava(house) too Arudha of a house represents the Maya (reflection or illusion) connected to it. Arudha of the houses will represent others illusio...

Kundali Milan

Kundali Milan Kundali Milan (Vivah Matching) is based on moon sign a and its constellation (Nakshatra) in natal chart of bride and groom. For long ,happy and successful married life, the ancient Indian sages and saints devised a method to check the matrimonial adaptability or marriageable compatibility which is called  'Marriage Matching' or 'Match-Making'.  They devised the method of matching by Koota Agreement based on the Birth Stars of the boy and the girl.  10 kootas are considered for the actual horoscope matching and in some parts of India only 8 kootas are considered know as AshtaKoota, 36 Gunmilan. Total points given are 36 for gunmilan if they scored alteast 50percentage of points marriage is merged with holistic chart study.   1. Varna Koot  (Social  Matching) There are four Varnas. Varna of the boy should be higher than that of the girl. A girl with higher Varna than a boy is not a good match. Varna Koot matching scores 1 point. There are 4 Varn...

Are you meant to gain through Stocks??

Stocks & Speculations Market Astrology The Stock Market 💹 is a risky gambling type business, the luck of people change in the stock market like the tide in the sea, one can become a millionaire or a beggar depending on the natal chart and yogas in it, one may win sometimes, one may lose the other time this win and loss are the two sides of the same coin, but one should be careful not to invest money💲 which one cannot afford to lose, it is a risky business and a few taste permanent success here. Speculation is a mind game and cosmic powers  do influence our thoughts and actions. Stock Market Requires intellect skills and stability of mind and favorable luck which is mainly required to be successful in stock or share market trading. False promises and highly public stories of investors striking it rich or losing everything skew perceptions of the reality of the average investor.  The main Houses which are of very much importance is   2nd, 5th, 8th, 9th, and the 11...