Nakshatras ( Distant star) Nakshatra (Sanskrit: नक्षत्र) is the term for the lunar mansion in Hindu astrology and Indian Astronomy. NAKSHATRA A Nakshatra is one of 28 (sometimes also 27 ) sectors along the ecliptic. Their names are related to a prominent star or asterisms in or near the respective sectors. The term "Nakshatra" , when broken down into its constituent parts:- "Naks" meaning "Sky" and "shetra " meaning "region" translate into " Sky Map ". Another translation is arrived at by a different and "Naksh" is "Map" and "Tara" is "Star" is so Nakshatra is Star Map. Both meanings clearly show that in the eyes of the ancient Vedic seers it is the 27 nakshatras and not the 12 Rashi is (Star-signs) , which map the sky. Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) without nakshatras is as incomplete as the human body is without eyes. If Jyotish is the " eye of the...
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