YOGAS Yogas are certain Specific Plantanary combinations in Chart. Yogas essentially are special combinations and positions of planets in relation to houses and other planets. Makes Person Wealthy and Prosperous . Some are very powerful to make us highly affluent and glorious . Some are highly dangerous that can make our life a hell. Yogas are so powerful in it dasha period that it can make person Rags to Riches too and if afflicted or in a bad state then Riches to Rags. Let's understand them one by one: Dhan yoga Houses Involved: •2nd house: income, inflow of finances, Self-earned wealth, worldly possessions • 4th house: comforts, parental inheritance, assets, land, vehicles • 5th house: sudden gain, lottery, gambling, speculations etc. • 7th house: business travels, partnership, public gains • 8th house: shares, hidden transactions, other people's money, dowry of wife, gain from in-laws, finances through unfair means, inheri...
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